Hearing Of The Subcommittee On Energy And Water Development Of The House Committee On Appropriations - Dept. Of Energy: Environmental Management, Legacy Management, FY2011 Budget


Date: March 16, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

Good afternoon. We have before us today Dr. Ines Triay,
Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management. She is
accompanied by Mr. David Geiser, Acting Director of the Office
of Legacy Management. They will be presenting the President's
fiscal year 2011 budget request for the Offices of Environmental
Management and Legacy Management.
The Environmental Management program has operated since
1989. It has the difficult mission of cleaning up the legacy of the
nation's nuclear weapons complex and other nuclear research
activities. The fiscal year 2011 request for Environmental
Management is $6.3 billion, $118 million less than fiscal year
2010. This work includes Defense and Non-defense clean-up
work, as well as clean-up at the nation's uranium enrichment
facilities. The Legacy Management budget request is $189 million,
nearly the same as last year, to take over the management of the
sites as they "cross the clean-up finish line."
Ms. Triay, I know and appreciate your aggressive efforts to
improve the way you do business. But we have to do better in
terms of project management. With billions of dollars invested,
every year we need to see results. We are very interested in hearing
your progress and plans.
Mr. Geiser, you inherit these sites when the clean-up has
been completed, and we look forward to your views on your
mission, and the challenges you are facing in the future.
I would ask that you ensure that the hearing record, responses
to the questions for the record, and any supporting information
requested by the Subcommittee are delivered in final form to the
Subcommittee no later than four weeks from time you receive
I also ask that if Members have additional questions they
would like to submit for the record, that they please do so to this
Subcommittee by 5:00 PM tomorrow.
With those opening comments, I would like to yield to our
ranking member, Mr. Frelinghuysen, for any opening comments
that he would like to make.
